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Last Update Date: 11.12.2023

1. Data Collection and Use

Konca Tarım Peyzaj collects certain information in order to provide and improve this website to our users. This information is used to understand how our users use the website and to improve our services.

1.1. Personal Information

Personal information may be collected from our users while using the website. This information may include identifying information such as name, surname, e-mail address and telephone number. This information is not shared with third parties without the user's request or explicit consent.

1.2. Information Collected Automatically

The website may automatically collect certain information from users' devices. This information may include IP address, browser type, pages visited and other statistical data about how users use the website.

2. Cookies and Similar Technologies

Konca Tarım Peyzaj may use cookies and similar technologies to improve user experience and manage the website effectively. Users have the ability to refuse cookies or customize cookie notifications through browser settings.

3. Security

Konca Tarım Peyzaj takes appropriate security measures to protect user information. However, we cannot guarantee the complete security of information transmitted over the Internet.

4. Links to Other Websites

Our website may contain links directing users to other websites. Please be aware that we have no control over the content or privacy practices of these links.

5. Changes

This privacy policy may be updated when deemed appropriate by Konca Tarım Peyzaj. An announcement will be published on our website to notify you about the changes.

6. Communication

If you have questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please contact us at

This privacy policy was updated on 11.12.2023.


Center Office: İlkiz Sok. İlkiz Apt. no:3 Çankaya/ ANKARA 

Our Plant Nursery: Serhat Mahallesi M.Zahit Kotku Caddesi 41/1  Yenimahalle/ANKARA

Our Workshop: Keresteciler San.Sitesi Keresteciler Bulvarı No:4 Saray / Kazan / ANKARA

GSM : +90 534 798 91 34    Peyzaj Mimarı Mehmet KONCA

Tel : 0312 504 81 13  Mail:

© 2015 Konca Tarım Peyzaj Limited Şirketi

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